Former Research Fellow
Email : NA

This study assesses the impact of participation in farmer organisations (FOs) on the food security of rural households in Cambodia. The study was started in November 2010 and completed in June 2012. The study set out to: (1) examine the roles, operations and challenges of FOs in improving household food security; (2) analyse the household characte...

Agriculture plays a crucial part in Cambodia’s economy, accounting for about 27.3 percent of GDP in 2010. The sector engages at least 59 percent of the economically active population, and over 90 percent of the population lives in rural areas where agricultural activities remain the primary source of livelihood. Agricultural growth, on average, was...

This paper presents the main findings of the Policy Coherence for Agriculture and Rural Development study. Policy Coherence for Development (PCD) is about making sure that policies for sector development do not contradict or undermine one another and that as far as possible, policies are complementary and create synergy. In practice, it is abou...

The Cambodian government articulates its agriculture policy in the Rectangular Strategy: “To improve agricultural productivity and diversification, thereby enabling the agriculture sector to serve as the dynamic driving force for economic growth and poverty reduction.” To this end, it developed the National Strategy for Agriculture and Water, which...