SO Sovannarith
Former Research Fellow
Email : NA

Cambodia is highly susceptible to natural disasters due to the frequency and intensity of extreme climatic events, primarily floods, droughts and windstorms, but also in particular to increased climate variability.These disasters and climate-related hazardshave exacted huge socioeconomic costs on the country’s economy and people’s liveli...

This paper presents the main findings of the Policy Coherence for Agriculture and Rural Development study. Policy Coherence for Development (PCD) is about making sure that policies for sector development do not contradict or undermine one another and that as far as possible, policies are complementary and create synergy. In practice, it is abou...

ForewordCDRI is pleased to present the report of the Moving Out of Poverty Study (MOPS), a major study conducted in partnership with the World Bank. MOPS is the first longitudinal, contextual, mixed-methods study on poverty dynamics conducted in Cambodia. The CDRI-World Bank Cambodia study was designed and commissioned initially as part of the Worl...

To what extent can external technical assistance develop the capacity of counterparts, whether in government or in local nongovernmental organizations (LNGOs) in an aid-dependent economy? Cambodia's experience since 1993 suggests that most projects in such a situation are donor-driven in their identification, design and implementation, to the detri...

The Asian financial crisis induced a decline in overall economic growth and a surge in unemployment in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. The downturn in the Thai economy has had an adverse impact on thousands of migrant workers, who had been able to take advantage of job opportunities during Thailand’s economic boom. An estimated 82,000 Cam...