Opportunity Case 1: Climate Change, Livelihood and Migration

The Ponlok Chomnes II program is a four-year program funded by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade through The Asia Foundation's Ponlok Chomnes: Data and Dialogue for Development in Cambodia that aims to promote the normalisation of the use of evidence and inclusive dialogues to inform public policy decision-making. The Ponlok Chomnes II program seeks to address several challenges, including the need to expand the platforms for idea exchange and consultation, the lack of the availability of inclusive, integrated evidence for policy dialogues and development, and the unmet demand from the government and the public for more diverse, locally produced sources of knowledge.
In partnership with TAF, CDRI is working on three Opportunity Cases (OCs): OC1: Climate Change, Livelihood and Migration; OC2: Inclusive and Quality Education; and OC3: Livelihood Resilience in Rural Villages. This collaborative effort involves all stakeholders, making them an integral part of the initiative.
CDRI’s Centre for Natural Resources and Environment is studying on OC1: Climate Change, Livelihood and Migration, in which research team aims to disseminate the findings from existing data and ongoing studies through policy dialogues and publications.
Project Objective
- To inclusively communicate the key findings in a way that is accessible and engaging for all relevant stakeholders through different types of publishing materials. The materials aim to disseminate findings, stimulate discussion, and inform policymaking on the impact of climate change on migration, gender, and livelihood in Cambodia;
- To conduct dialogues for discussing and disseminating the study findings on the impact of climate change on migration, gender, and livelihood, facilitating evidence-nformed decision-making. Policy dialogues encourage diverse stakeholders to bring local knowledge to bear on research findings, helping to translate knowledge generated from the study into actionable policies.
Our ultimate goal is to ensure that the knowledge from our study is not only informative but also actionable, leading to effective policies that address the impacts of climate change on migration, gender, and livelihood in Cambodia.
Project Members
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