Mekong Thought Leadership and Think Tanks Network

The Mekong Thought Leadership and Think Tanks Network Program will address the challenges related to water and energy in the context of climate change impacting the most vulnerable and marginalised in society in Mekong countries. This will be achieved through evidence-based research and analysis, engagement with regional, national, and local policy-influencing organisations, and effective dialogue with decision-makers.
Project Objective
By developing a regional network or alliance of research and policy organisations, the program aims to:
- Strengthen the role and effectiveness of national and regional research and policy organisations in engaging with national and regional policy processes on water and energy security and climate change mitigation and adaptation.
- Strengthen the role and capabilities of national and regional research and policy organisations in inclusive knowledge co-production processes by engaging with stakeholders across sectors, locations, and countries on water, climate, and energy issues and their interlinkages.
- Enhance the capacity for networking of national and regional research and policy organisations and build the capacity of young professionals in delivering research and communicating and engaging with policy processes.
Project Members
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