Gender, Livelihood and Climate Change in Cambodia

Cambodia’s susceptibility to climate change is heightened by its limited ability to adapt. Women experience more pronounced consequences from climate change than men. As Cambodia strives to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 amidst mounting climate uncertainties, it becomes crucial to examine the effects of this transition on women’s livelihoods and explore ways to empower them in coping with these challenges. CDRI will undertake a research study to examine women’s roles and agencies for accelerating local climate actions, identify entry points for harnessing opportunities in low-carbon sectors for women empowerment and provide recommendations for gender transformative approaches in climate adaptation strategies.
Project Objective
- To conduct a comprehensive review of policies, reports, and existing studies related to climate adaptation, green growth, gender equality, gendered vulnerabilities, adaptation strategies, and potential opportunities generated from the transition to a low carbon economy.
- To conduct primary data collection on gender, climate change, and livelihood transitions for climate resilience in Battambang, Siem Reap and Mondulkiri provinces.
It includes the following segments:
- Exploring gender-differentiated impacts of climate change and adaptation strategies - Exploring how gendered livelihood strategies to cope with climate change impacts and policy responses.
- Exploring barriers for women to access opportunities in three green sectors (climate-smart agriculture, renewable energy, forestry).
- Exploring entry points for harnessing opportunities in green sectors for women empowerment and gender equality.
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